Ch. Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche
name: Ch. Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche
date of birth: June 9, 2003
registration number: NP03268201
color: White
sex: Male
Philsand's Fantasic Oscar
Ch. Famous Amos Of Samsted
Samstead Awesome Opal
Heavensent Awesome Andy of Samstead
Ch. Hayes Grizzly Bear of Imperiou
Lorelou's Angelic Rose
Lorelou's Rosebud O'Sims
Ch. Samsted Smirnoff Ice
Ch. Charjo's Wall Street
Ch. Charjo's Tobacco Road
Roxanne's Mighty Heiga
Hardee's Opaline
Delrey's Van Chadwick
Samsted Awesome Opal
Samsted Charmin' Chelsea
Ch. Prestwick Gawain
Ch. Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch. Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch. Little Pond's Chief
Ch. T-Town Gustav With Gusto
Ch. Little Ponds Splash
Little Pond's Blonde Ambition
Ch. Cherokee Post Hoc Hannah
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